7. FC-AFC Texaco’s High Tesse, “Star,” LF, Alex Abraham
17. Road Tripp, “Tripp,” LM, Mark Medford
21. FC-AFC In The Hunt Farm’s Executive Sweet, “Sweet,” LF, Linda
50. FC-AFC Mulligan Off The Rainy “T”, “Mully,” LM, Randy Spangler
50. FC-AFC Mulligan Off The Rainy “T”, “Mully,” LM, Randy Spangler
70. FC-AFC Greenwing Tall Timber, “Krumz,” LM, Craig Stonesifer
72. FC-AFC Fresh Squeezed Juice, “Juice,” LM, Mark Medford
78. FC-AFC B Bumble, “Stinger,” LM, Fred Kampo
82. FC-AFC Coolwater’s Hawkeye Legend, “Legend,” LM, Alex Washburn
92. FC-AFC-AFTCH Jaybar American Idol, “Reuben,” LM, Barbara Younglove
102. FC-AFC Atlastastar, “Rinny,” LF, Martha Blank
105. FC-AFC Contrails Sky Queen, “Reina,” LF, David Opseth
107. FC-AFC Windy City’s Mighty Mouse, “Mickey,” LM, Charlie Hines
Dog #17 will start the 10th Series
Dogs Dropped - 19, 58, 73, 93, 94, 108
13 dogs called back to the 10th
Test Dog at 7:45 am
Location - Jones & Leinoff
561 Bolton Rd, Cabot VT