This year we encourage visitors to participate in the National Amateur discussion located in the comments section of each post. These areas are a great outlet for remote communication and commentary for those unable to attend this year's NARC. Also, please keep an eye out for trivia, surveys and other interactive activities!
The Retriever News team consists of Tina Styan, Gwen Jones and Tera Lanczak. We would also like to welcome Pat Burns, of Elite Retrievers this year as a Contributing Sponsor to the blog. Please don't hesitate to share any items of interest or photos that you think the retriever community might be interested in. Send submissions to Tina Styan at: Subject Line: 2016 NARC Blog. Thanks in advance and enjoy the coverage...
7. FC-AFC Texaco’s High Tesse, “Star,” LF, Alex Abraham
came to the line at 10:23 am
RF: drove to the top of the hill and then turned to the area to retrieve the bird.
HF: the dog ran over top of this short and in flyer, the dog est a hunt in the area near the gun station the dog continued to hunt for a good while before digging out his bird.
DF: traveled a path at the bird, went into the mark under the arc, est a hunt in the area before finding her bird.
MR: took off on a path right of the holding blind, the dog started to slow near the HF and the dog was Handled to the bird.
RF: reached the top of the hill deep of the fall to then quickly turn and snatched up his bird.
HF: went into the mark just to the right of the bird, rapidly turn for a rapid retrieve.
DF: traveled a path under the arc of the fall, reached the area made a turn to the left and had his bird.
MR: Started out wide left of the fall, reached the fall area est a hunt in the area before giving up his hunt to drive deep, the dog was then Handled to the bird to complete Series 10.
HF: arrived just under the arc of the fall, est a hunt veering to the left then continued to hunt before the dog was Handled to the bird
DF: traveled a path wide and left of the fall est a hunt in the area and had to hunt hard to dig out the bird.
MR: reached the area began to hunt and was Handled to the bird.
92. FC-AFC-AFTCH Jaybar American Idol, “Reuben,” LM, Barbara Younglove
came to the line at 9:32 am
RF: front-footed it!
HF: went into the area under the arc made a turn to the left est a hunt near and left of the area before gradually hunting his way further right of the gun station to eventually grab his bird.
DF: arrived at the fall area turned to the left and over to put his nose on the bird!
MR: traveled a true path at the bird, continued a bit deep of the fall on the up wind side of the bird, and then quickly turn into the fall area and snatched up his bird!
82. FC-AFC Coolwater’s Hawkeye Legend, “Legend,” LM, Alex Washburn
came to the line 9:21 am
RF: straight to the bird!
HF: went into the mark just left of the fall made several loops near the area veering to the left went up the hill a bit before coming down to the area to retrieve his bird.
DF: traveled a path at the bird got to the area slowed and turned to the left then had his bird for a rapid retrieve.
MR: traveled a path at the bird just missing it on the up wind side, got a bit deep and turned toward the bushes before reaching the DF, the dog put up a smart hunt in and around the area before digging out his bird.
Handled 72. FC-AFC Fresh Squeezed Juice, “Juice,” LM, Mark Medford
Came to the line at 9:01 am
RF: skimmed past the bird on the up wind side then quickly turned and had his bird.
HF: est a hunt in and near the area before digging out his bird.
DF: front footed it!
MR: traveled a path at the bird, est a hunt short of the fall near the hay bales before reaching the area to put up a smart tight hunt before gradually increasing the size of his hunt looking as if he was going to go to the DF and was Handled to the bird.
1. FC-FTCH Handjems Artful Dodger, "Dodger,” LM, Jim Dorobek 2. NAFC-FC Texas Troubador, "Tubb," LM, Martha Russell 3. NFC-AFC Robber's Stray Bullet, "Bullet," LM, Hank McNeil 4. B&D's Chocolate Mariah, "Windy," LF, Don or Bettye Brawley 5. FC-AFC SK's Dirty Little Secret, "Vegas," LF, Betsy Madden 6. Daybreak Second In Command, "Joshua," LM, Bill Landau 7. FC-AFC Texaco's High Tesse, "Star," LF, Alex Abraham 8. AFC Trifecta's Black Gold, "Slick," LF, Lisa Kane 9. FC Utopian Sixteen Hands, "Hunter," LM, Gary Zellner 10. AFC Lucyana's Full Speed Ahead, "Straight," LM, Laura Parrott 11. FC-AFC Aksarben's Black Skyy MH, "Skyy," LM, Alice Woodyard 12. NAFC-FC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn, "Roxie," LF, Bill Benson 13. AFC Jorja's Tarbaby Tempest, "Tempy," LF, Jake Fredericks 14. FC-CAFC-CFC Jazztime Cut to the Chase, "Chase," LM, Paul Hanson 15. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm, "Cane," LM, John Thomas 16. Mac's Sweet Eleanor Rose, "Rosie," LF, Mike McDaniel 17. Road Tripp, "Tripp," LM, Mark Medford 18. FC-AFC Son Of A Preacher Man, "Billy Ray," LM, Duncan Christie 19. FC-AFC Good Idea's Outta Sight, "Stevie," LM, Ken Neil 20. NAFC-FC Dottie Ray's Ivy League, "Ivy," LF, Andy Kahn 21. FC-AFC In The Hunt Farm's Executive Sweet, "Sweet," LF, Linda Bogusky 22. FC Topbrass Linekin's Riptide, "Rip," GM, Cam Clark 23. FC-AFC FWR'S Wood River's Highest Summit, "Denali," LF, Mark Brashear 24. FC-AFC Valtor's Hayseed Kid, "Kid," LM, Breck Howard 25. AFC 3R's Mister Cross Your T's, "Tommy," LM, Fred Kampo 26. FC-AFC Moxie Gunner, "Moxie," LF, Russ Hardy 27. FC-AFC McKinley First Ascender-Hudson, "Hudson," LM, Bill Barstow 28. FC Tremblin Earth's Cosmic Rider, "Tex," LM, Kate Simonds 29. Smoke'N High Heat, "Smoke," LF, Charlene Koeth 30. Bay Blue's Indigo Girl, "Indy," LF, Marv Baumer 31. FC-AFC RMR'S I Have a Dream, "Marti," LF, Joel Harris 32. FC-AFC Mitimat Rock Paper Scissors, "Rocky," LM, Lydia Fekula 33. Dottie McFizz, "Dot," LF, Nancy White 34. Cold Black Jack, "Jack," LM, John Stracka 35. FC-AFC Lil Chin Music, "Lil," LF, Chester Koeth 36. Gunstock's Harbor Houligan, "PJ," LM, Yvonne or Charles Hays 37. FC-AFC Bluenorth's Rock Hard Ten MH, "Ten," LM, Barb Radtke 38. FC-AFC Wight's Goddess of Victory MH, "Nike," LF, Tracy Wight 39. FC-AFC-FTCH Laird's Cynful Wisdom, "Wiley," LF, Chris Parkinson 40. FC-AFC Shelbie's Liberty Bell, "Libby," LF, Chris Byers 41. FC-AFC Good Idea's National Pair, "Dolly," LF, Ken Neil 42. Aragorn XIII, "Aragorn," LM, Julie Cole 43. Holland Cliffs Sweet Inspiration, "Sugar," LF, Alvin Hatcher 44. FC-AFC Bob and Ed's Excellent Adventure, "Chef," LM, Ed Krueger 45. AFC Kirkwood's Ace of Lone Star, "Lexie," LF, Casey Adams 46. FC-AFC Bay Blue's All American Girl, "Libby," LF, John Russell 47. FC Midway Twin City Limits, "Leo," LM, Seth Kelly 48. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Eye On The Ball, "Slider," LM, Lauren Hays 49. FC-AFC Delpond's Aunt Jemima, "Jemma," LF, Mark Menzies 50. FC-AFC Mulligan Off The Rainy "T", "Mully," LM, Randy Spangler 51. Watermark's Ramrod, "Rowdy," LM, Gary Storch 52. FC-AFC FTCH Alexus - Pursuit of Perfection, "Lexi," LF, Lynn Cole-Kimball 53. FC-AFC Cool Fuel, "Nitro," LM, Rich Pingatore 54. AFC Lake Park Diamond In The Ruff, "Ruff," LM, Charles Bearden 55. FC-AFC Hockley Creek's Big Hitter, "Manny," LM, Robby Bickley 56. FC-AFC Sundog's Maximum Pursuit, "Max," LM, Andy Kahn 57. FC Straight to the Heart-Dagger, "Dagger," LM, Johnny Armstrong 58. FC-AFC Choco Lickity-Split, "Choco," LM, Don Brawley 59. FC-AFC Maple Creek's Mattie Mae, "Mattie," LF, David McMahan 60. FC-AFC Good Idea's Have It Your Way, "Whopper," LM, Ken Neil 61. AFC Tucked Away At River's Edge, "Tucker," LM, Alex Abraham 62. NFC-AFC Keeno's Gizmo CC, "Gizmo," LM, Bruce Hall 63. FC-AFC Lock Five's My Mother's Keeper, "Keeper," LF, Jamie Woodson 64. FC-AFC Make It Happen Captain, "Cappy," LM, Gary Zellner 65. AFC Got It Made in the Shade, "Shade," LM, Bobby Smith 66. Backwater Sweet Bay Magnolia, "Bay," LF, Keith Pharr 67. FC Lil Whiskey Girl, "Lily," LF, Judy Despenas 68. FC-AFC Baypoint's Westminster Abbey, "Abbey," LF, Don Fregelette 69. FC-AFC JJ of Red Rock, "JJ," LM, Jim McBee 70. FC-AFC Greenwing Tall Timber, "Krumz," LM, Craig Stonesifer 71. AFC Rawhide's Rowdy Trail Boss, "Rowdy," LM, Tommy Grimes 72. FC-AFC Fresh Squeezed Juice, "Juice," LM, Mark Medford 73. FC-AFC Lubys and Whitewaters Pirates Jewel, "Jewel," LF, Jeffrey Schuett 74. AFC Wood River's Mr Big, "George," LM, Bill Fruehling 75. AFC MS Micro Doodle Dandy, "Micro," LF, Tom Bogusky 76. FC-AFC Indi Go Girl, "Indy," LF, Darlene Houlihan 77. Topbrass Montana Lonesome Dove OS, "Gus," GM, John Robinson 78. FC-AFC B Bumble, "Stinger," LM, Fred Kampo 79. AFC Red Dog's Anything Goes, "Porter," CBRM, Bill Burks 80. FC-AFC Spirit of Denali-Genet, "Genet," LF, Bill Barstow 81. AFC Winneshiek's Wild Wind Scamp, "Scamp," LM, Dave Robertson 82. FC-AFC Coolwater's Hawkeye Legend, "Legend," LM, Alex Washburn 83. Jet Black's Supersonic Boom, "Sonic," LM, Judy Powers 84. FC-AFC Good Idea's Texas Scratch, "Rosie," LF, Ken Neil 85. FC-AFC Chopper's Final Approach, "Billie," LF, Joel Harris 86. Knockout Punch II, "Joe," LM, Jim Cope 87. FC-AFC Leica Sabertooth, "Tiger," LM, Terry Rotschafer 88. FC-AFC Candlewood's Life Is A Highway, "Freeway," LM, John Stracka 89. FC-AFC Ruff Rivers Oasis On The Plains, "Colby," LF, Northrup Larson 90. FC-AFC Freeridin Miss Kitty, "Kitty," LF, Theodore Shih 91. FC-AFC Candlewood's Skyrocket, "Sky," LF, Tommy Parrish 92. FC-AFC-AFTCH Jaybar American Idol, "Reuben," LM, Barbara Younglove 93. FC-AFC Dottie Ray's League Of Her Own, "Dottie," LF, Andy Kahn 94. FC-AFC Contempt of Court, "Ruckus," LM, Susan Bledsoe 95. Red Dog's Ain't Misbehavin', "Zoe," LF, Sydney Gardave 96. Brink's Buster Brown, "Buster," LM, Jeffrey Bandel 97. AFC Lane's Thrilla n Manilla, " Frazier," LM, Michael Robicheaux 98. FC-AFC Watermark's Miss Kali Hart, "Kaylee," LF, Sonya Harrigfeld 99. AFC Trinity's Moose on the Loose, "Lucy," LF, Cindie Little 100. Kirkwood's Blue Grade Lady, "Gracie," LF, Casey Adams 101. FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble, "Ali," LM, Bobby Lane 102. FC-AFC Atlastastar, "Rinny," LF, Martha Blank 103. FC-AFC Forry's Charmed One, "Piper," LF, Lynn Budd 104. FC Delpond's Pretty in Pink, "Bella," LF, Mark Menzies 105. FC-AFC Contrails Sky Queen, "Reina," LF, David Opseth 106. FC-AFC Good Idea's Second Wind, "Vapor," LF, Ken Neil 107. FC-AFC Windy City's Mighty Mouse, "Mickey," LM, Charlie Hines 108. FC-AFC Buck IN Bobby, "Bobby," LM, Mary Ahlgren 109. FC-AFC Aran Island's Finnegan, "Finnegan," LM, Pat Martin 110. Chances R Jean Louise Finch, "Scout," LF, John Goossen